How do I REGISTER with Yoga Tree Stanthorpe and book a studio class or an online class?


  • New clients will need to REGISTER with Yoga Tree Stanthorpe on the momoyoga platform.

  • Here you will be asked to create an account (username and password). This will take around 2 minutes!

  • Once you are registered with Yoga Tree Stanthorpe on the momoyoga app, you can log in and purchase a class pass or series of classes.

  • Class PRICES can be viewed here

  • Purchase your payment option - single class, a block of class passes, a combination class or a monthly membership. All major credit/debit cards , Apple Pay, PayPal are accepted.

  • You will then be directed to book a class of your choice from the schedule. All class passes have a 3-month expiry, from date of first class used.

  • If you are unable to book the class you wish, it may be because the class is fully booked, or you are using the wrong pass. For example: a zoom pass cannot be used to book a studio class, as the price structure is different.

  • Make booking super easy by downloading the momoyoga app from your app store.


  • Before you book an ONLINE class please ensure you have downloaded ZOOM

  • When you book an online class you will receive an email with your purchase receipt. Please note the starting time and that we are in Australia (Brisbane time). 30 minutes before class is due to start, you will receive an email with your link to the ZOOM meeting. If you don’t receive an email, check your spam folder.

  • Please ensure you book an online class with ZOOM class pass. You will not be able to book a studio class with a ZOOM pass, however studio passes will activate an online class.


We have two sets of classes that can be booked either individually or as a package. The classes follow each other and offer participants a complete practice at a reduced price. The Wall Ropes Class (45 min) + Slow Flow Yoga (60 min) can be booked individually or as a combo ($30); as can Yoga for Stress Relief + Yin Yoga ($30). The 2nd option can also be booked as an 8 week bundle ($225), making it even more cost effective.


iRest iRestore Workshops

Feb 25/March 24

Give yourself the gift of rest ~ these regular Sunday workshops will leave you feeling relaxed, peaceful and ready to start again.



For further information on classes and class descriptions SCROLL DOWN or contact Maree Taylor 0428 391197

There are mats and props available in studio, but we encourage you to bring your own.

The 8 week Mat Pilates Challenge starts Monday 9th October - book the series for $130, or pay $20 casual class (or use your current Yoga Tree pass). Contact Sofia for further information

Rest iRestore workshops are scheduled the first Sunday of (most) months 2-3.30 pm. This series is created to assist participants to downregulate the nervous system, take time to realign with Self and be nourished and nurtured in supported and yummy practices. Book here:



We design and deliver personalised workshops, classes, retreats, sessions for you or your group. CLICK here to learn more.







Sun Up Yoga

Early morning class to kick start the week.  Start with a gentle warm up and then move slowly through a series of sun salutations with variations to work each area of the body.  This class weaves yoga philosophy, energy systems, embodied awareness and pranayama through intelligent sequencing - guiding the practitioner towards a deeper connection with Self and others. Suitable for all levels. A fluid and energising way to start the day.

Vinyasa Flow with Stacy

A flowing, creative and invigorating practice that synchronises movement with the breath, body and mind. Within the flow of the Vinyasa class, we explore intelligent alignment of Asanas (yoga postures), Pranayama (breath work), Yoga Philosophy and Relaxation. Builds strength, steadiness and leaves you feeling calm and rejuvenated. Offering options for beginners through to advanced practitioners.

Slow Flow Yoga

Slow Flow links creative sequencing with therapeutic flow to bring a sense of balance between mind, body and breath. The poses are held longer than in a traditional vinyasa class which cultivates a embodied awareness in the practice. This is a meditative flow which is peaceful whilst building strength and deep sense of grounding. Accessible most levels.

Chair Yoga

Chair yoga is a gentle form of yoga that is practiced sitting on a chair, or standing using a chair for support. Chair Yoga adapts traditional yoga poses, & breath and meditation practices making yoga more accessible for those who cannot stand for long periods, are recovering from injury, or have trouble getting up from the floor. Chair yoga may assist managing high blood pressure, anxiety, chronic fatigue, arthritis, vertigo, multiple sclerosis, osteoporosis, osteopenia, carpal tunnel, depression and chronic pain. A class for EVERYbody.

Vinyasa Krama Yoga Class

Vinyasa Krama is a style of yoga that focuses on alignment and syncronisation of movement to breath. The practice is sequenced to enter and exit the postures fluidly before being invited to hold the posture. When we practice with mindfulness and awareness we meet our individual body on any particular day, both mentally and physically, creating space for freedom in mind, body and spirit. The class is accessible all levels and a wonderful practice for healing and to align the body and mind for the day ahead!

iRest Yoga Nidra Meditation

This class provides an entry into the evidence-based practice of iRest Yoga Nidra meditation.  Small group sizes enable direct instruction and guidance as you learn to live in present moment awareness. This protocol is particularly useful for those struggling with insomnia, PTSD, anxiety, depression. The class is conducted lying down or seated (if more comfortable) and only requires the participant to be curious and open to the experience.


Renew You Yoga

A class specifically designed to calm the nervous system, through a series of active poses (yang) and quieting poses (yin). Breath and meditation techniques are taught alongside asanas to assist in promoting optimal well-being, while recalibrating and renewing energy levels. This class offers you a "yoga spa" treatment at the end of the week - an opportunity to glow from the inside out.



Yin Yoga

A slow paced style of yoga - with passive poses typically held 3-5 minutes. Yin Yoga works deeply into connective tissues of the body such as the fascia, ligaments, joints, and bones.

Yin yoga also focuses on the meridians of the body, targeting particular organs and systems of the body to promote healthy flow of energy and wellbeing.

Suitable for all levels.

Nia with Ali - Move to Heal

Using a system of 52 simple moves, Nia dance work outs deliver conditioning that will energise your body, clear your mind and balance your emotions. Tues and Thurs classes focus on a sequence for people returning from injury and want to get their bodies moving in a therapeutic way. Friday afternoon class is an introduction to the practice.

Rope Wall Yoga Class

Rope Wall Yoga was first developed by BKS Iyengar, who used it as a prop to support and intensify his asana practice. Using ropes adds resistance and support, and can create extra release in the body and the mind. The ropes facilitate a greater awareness of the physical body, it’s alignment, and relationship with space. This class opens the body, building strength and flexibility while decompressing the spine and mind. It’s a lot of fun .


iRest iRestore Monthly Workshops

These monthly 1.5 hour workshops are designed to create deep rest in the body, and down regulate the nervous system. Offering ourselves space to PAUSE is an act of self love and self preservation. These workshops blend hatha restorative and yin yoga, with iRest Yoga Nidra, breath work, mudra and essential oils - to find peace, joy and balance. No previous yoga experience required.

Align & Flow Yoga

This class builds strength and steadiness through a progressive sequence of poses. The class leads to a peak pose so that students can increase their range of motion over time and develop good movement patterns both in and out of the yoga room. The emphasis is on finding proper alignment in the pose and using the breath to cultivate courage and mindfulness. By balancing the flow of energy in the body, and becoming aware of how various parts of ourselves are integrated and in interconnected in our yoga practice, we can experience both stability, freedom, and a greater sense of fulfilment both on the mat and in our everyday lives.


Occasional CLASSES


Back Care Class

This delicious gentle class is focused on strengthening our core and increasing our awareness around our back health.  We work with a group of asanas that specifically  stretch, tone,  strengthen and release the muscles which support our spine and enjoy the benefits of deep relaxation and breath work. Suitable for all levels. (Maree)




Chakra Series (Gentle Hatha) 8 weeks

Join Maree for an exploration of the Charka energy system through Hatha yoga - a practice to preserve and channel vital life force energy, whilst directing the mind to stillness.

In this 8 week series, we will explore postures, breathwork, mudra (hand gestures) meditations and kriyas that correspond with the 7 Chakras (energy centres), and align with major nerve bundles, organs, glands and areas of our energetic body that affect our emotional and physical wellbeing.

Working with the Chakra system is an interesting way to develop a deeper understanding of ourselves, and others, facilitating mind-body-spirit awareness in order to cultivate a balanced and joyful life.

Suitable for beginners - advanced practitioners.

Yoga for Scoliosis

This small class offers an individualised approach to students with scoliosis.  With a maximum of 5 students  per class, the focus is on creating a deeper awareness of your scoliotic terrain.  By understanding your asymmetries, we can work on creating space and length in contracted areas of your body and develop stability and strength.  Props such as the floor, walls, chairs. straps and blocks are used to provide feedback and give insight into how you can best support your body.  Relaxation and breath work are integral to this class, and students with no yoga previous yoga experience are welcome to attend. (Maree)

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PreNatal Yoga Classes

This class runs as an 8 week course. You are welcome to join the class at any time, as the course will be ongoing. Please contact me via the Contact Us page if you are interested in this class, and we can get back to you with course details.